In this episode of the Vorpal Chainsword Podcast we talk with Masters of Fight Music

Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth
Ever wonder where the best prog rock music for movies and video games comes from? Well, I'm here to tell you, its from these guys! Vince himself already has a bit of a cult following among Transformers: The Movie enthusiasts, as he composed the fantastic soundtrack to that excellent film, and occasionally visits BotCon at the behest of fans. He also is responsible for the awesomeness of the Rocky IV soundtrack, including that purest paragon of perfect montage music, the Training Montage! Furthermore, these two guys crafted the music for a lesser-known karate fighting movie from 2004: Sci-Fighter, all released on Vince's Falling off a Clef album, and which I often use as epic background music for my own D&D games (and highly recommend)!
Vince and Kenny have also been rocking some video game soundtracks lately, with their two most recent releases being the soundtracks for
Saturday Morning RPG and Angry Birds:Transformers!
Ever wonder where the best prog rock music for movies and video games comes from? Well, I'm here to tell you, its from these guys! Vince himself already has a bit of a cult following among Transformers: The Movie enthusiasts, as he composed the fantastic soundtrack to that excellent film, and occasionally visits BotCon at the behest of fans. He also is responsible for the awesomeness of the Rocky IV soundtrack, including that purest paragon of perfect montage music, the Training Montage! Furthermore, these two guys crafted the music for a lesser-known karate fighting movie from 2004: Sci-Fighter, all released on Vince's Falling off a Clef album, and which I often use as epic background music for my own D&D games (and highly recommend)!
Vince and Kenny have also been rocking some video game soundtracks lately, with their two most recent releases being the soundtracks for
Saturday Morning RPG and Angry Birds:Transformers!
Ascending Sequences
The Full-Length Soundtrack
Cory's notes about the Interview
Vince and Kenny were super nice and I am so glad they were willing to come on the show and talk about making the sweet tunes they do for the games and movies we love. I love good gaming and montage-vibe music, and their Falling off a Clef album has been my go-to music for getting miniatures painted or D&D games for a while now. Okay, I realize painting minis doesn't sound like a very epic complement, but keep in mind that holding my attention span for long periods of time is a nearly impossible task. The Castle of the Gods suite alone can keep me jazzed and focused on building laser puzzles and painting Eternians until long after the sun comes up, so I am ecstatic I got the opportunity to talk to these awesome composers about music, video games, and movies for the Vorpal Chainsword Podcast!