In this episode of the Vorpal Chainsword Podcast we talk with the Master Cartographer of old-school gaming:
Benoist Poire
The non-Gygax other half of GP Adventures, Benoist is a never-ending font of adventure hooks and gaming enthusiasm. Originally hailing from France, but currently living in the Sasquatch-infested woods of British Columbia, Benoist crafts fantastical maps of such quality they'd make Lewis and Clark envious. Before starting GP Adventures, Benoist had developed a name for himself in gaming through his many online contributions to the hobby, such as the critically-acclaimed series of Advice to Build a Megadungeon and the Campaign Around It, and his work developing adventures for the Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea role-playing game. Benoist published his first adventure module in AFS Magazine Issue 3, The Hyperborean Laboratory. He has since co-authored The Marmoreal Tomb of Garn Pat'uul with Ernest Gary Gygax, Jr, and continues to work on developing a full Lake Geneva-style Hobby Shop Dungeon to bring to a greater audience of gamers. Benoist is extremely active online, and can be found giving gaming advice from his own Facebook page, on the Hobby Shop Dungeon page, and through many forums and websites related to the hobby.
Benoist Poire
The non-Gygax other half of GP Adventures, Benoist is a never-ending font of adventure hooks and gaming enthusiasm. Originally hailing from France, but currently living in the Sasquatch-infested woods of British Columbia, Benoist crafts fantastical maps of such quality they'd make Lewis and Clark envious. Before starting GP Adventures, Benoist had developed a name for himself in gaming through his many online contributions to the hobby, such as the critically-acclaimed series of Advice to Build a Megadungeon and the Campaign Around It, and his work developing adventures for the Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea role-playing game. Benoist published his first adventure module in AFS Magazine Issue 3, The Hyperborean Laboratory. He has since co-authored The Marmoreal Tomb of Garn Pat'uul with Ernest Gary Gygax, Jr, and continues to work on developing a full Lake Geneva-style Hobby Shop Dungeon to bring to a greater audience of gamers. Benoist is extremely active online, and can be found giving gaming advice from his own Facebook page, on the Hobby Shop Dungeon page, and through many forums and websites related to the hobby.
Pocket Dimensions
The Full Megadungeon
Cory's notes about the interview
Talking with Benoist was a blast! Rarely does one get the opportunity to speak with someone who is so enthusiastic about gaming. I couldn't even end the interview on time if I tried, and we ended up talking for an extra 20 minutes because we were having such a great discussion! Not to mention the longest-duration Quizblast yet! Benoist is clearly dedicated to creating great things for our hobby and it comes through in the interview. I had a fantastic time talking with Benoist and hope that you enjoy the podcast as I much as I enjoyed recording it. Game on!